prisoners are ONLY brought back to that strike team's home base.
5.5.2 How do I capture aliens?
There are three ways you can capture aliens : you can shoot them
and hope you only knocked them unconscious (i.e. they did NOT
scream as they collapsed); you can use stun rods; or you can use
stun bombs. Another way, difficult to arrange, is keep the
aliens inside smoke clouds till they choke and drop. You may need
multiple attempts before succeeding. NOTE: You cannot stun a
Cyberdisc or a Sectopod. Those are robots.
5.5.3 WHO do I capture?
You want specialists like leaders, medics, and engineers over
common soldiers or terrorists. Specialists can give you more
information like UFO stats and specie information. Leaders and
Commanders can give you special information that will eventually
lead to the final battle, and only Ethereals and Sectoid leaders
/ commanders can give you Psi Power.
HINT: You can use a mind probe on aliens to identify their rank
while they are standing.
HINT: you can also stun them then try to pick them up, which will
also identify their rank. [by Stuart Lamble]
5.5.4 Double-team them!
Capturing, as in all fighting, requires a backup. If one fails
you get another chance. This is especially important with stun
rods since you must go up right next to the alien. Failing that,
save enough TUs to get back to cover and hope the alien doesn't
come after you or your buddies will cover you.
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