more shots. Soldiers with kills gain more than those without
5.1.3 Avoid night missions
[Consensus] Avoid night missions if you can. The UFO can usually
wait until next morning or later unless they take off first.
Just set the craft to patrol nearby. Aliens hold an advantage in
visibility range at night (or appears to). If you MUST, carry
LOTS of electroflares and incendiary weapons.
5.1.4 Mix up the weapons
Try to take along a mixed set of weaponry, like lasers, auto
cannons, AND plasma guns. This way you'll be ready for all sorts
of threats, as some aliens are more vulnerable to certain types
of weapons than to others. See A.2 for alien tables.
5.1.5 Use Stun on Terror [!?]
[CGW] When tackling terror sites, take along lots of stun
weaponry and stun any civilians that you find. Alien terrorists
don't attack unconscious civilians, and therefore the civilians
count as "saved" at the end. Just don't drop grenades on them or
fire rockets and missiles into the area.
[Net] Recently someone reported that stunned civilians, upon
waking up, are counted as enemy and must be killed to finish the
battle. Can someone verify this?
5.1.6 Misc. Equipment
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