base, limiting possible attacks along that ONE long corridor.
Design B: Isolates Hangar from Access Lift. Since hangars have
no doors, blaster bombs and/or fusion tanks can destroy
everything in those spaces with one/two shots per hangar, plus
secondaries due to the fuel drums. The access lift can be
blocked easily.
3.3.2 Watch each base carefully
Plan ahead for expansion. Use the BASE INFORMATION button
frequently (once every 10 game days?) and start construction of
things BEFORE you actually run out. Most facilities takes about
a month to complete, start ahead of time!
3.3.3 Initial modifications
First things you need to add to your main base are: alien
containment (prisoners), general stores (more ammo and captured
artifacts), and long range radar (improve detection). Later, add
living quarters, labs, workshops, and defenses when needed.
XCOM:UFO Defense Frequently Asked Questions Page 10
3.3.4 Keep a hangar available!
You should always keep a hangar SOMEWHERE available for new
construction purposes. Transfer a craft between bases is free.
See base types (3.2) for details.
3.4 Defending a base
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