5.4.1 Use a "scout" to open the door
There should be one person whose specialty is open doors so that
other people can shoot through the open door. The person with
the best reaction and most TUs should get this job.
5.4.2 Look "over the top" if the top's open
[SCOHN] Some of the small or medium UFO that has been shot down
have their tops blown open. Throwing some grenades into that
opening can help you clean up any more aliens left inside.
There's not that much equipment left in there any way.
[KSC] If you have flying suits, you may want to go up to the
upper level and see if you can see any one while standing on the
edges. Four of you at separate corners can set up a great cross-
fire pattern and fry / stun any aliens left inside.
[NET] On larger UFOs you may want to OPEN a hole from the top
with a blaster launcher. Also see 5.3.8. Many people have
reported more success cleaning the UFO from the TOP down instead
of bottom up after blaster bomb killed the leaders in bridge.
XCOM:UFO Defense Frequently Asked Questions Page 21
5.4.3 Aliens have no manners
Unpowered doors do not close by themselves. Therefore, if you
spot an open door and you know you didn't open it, there must be
an alien nearby! See also 5.2.9.
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