4.1.4 Stay out longer
[HENDERSM] Once you intercept an UFO fuel consumption is halved,
when you click on patrol, the ship drops to half speed, and thus
half consumption (timed and tested). The ship can be thousands
of miles away and still intercept.. also, if you intercept near
your base, it needs no fuel to return hardly, so is extended
stay out anyway.
4.2 Weapons vs. Target Analysis
Before attacking click on the VIEW UFO button to take a look at
your target before deciding whether to attack or not. Attacking
with wrong weapons means either the loss of the interceptor or
the UFO totally destroyed so that nothing can be recovered.
4.2.1 Very Small / Small UFOs
Interceptors with Stingray missiles and cannons can only handle
very small or small sized UFOs. Attacking larger UFOs means
heavy damage or even destruction. Laser cannons are not much
better, sharing the short range flaw.
4.2.2 Medium UFOs
Interceptors with Avalanche missiles or plasma beams can handle
medium UFOs easily by normal attack. On the other hand, one
Avalanche will blow a very small UFO into pieces.
4.2.3 Large UFOs
Interceptors with Plasma beam and/or Avalanche missiles can
handle large UFOs, but not VERY large UFOs. Plasma beam may blow
small UFO into pieces.
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