GeoScape object ID -- If you click on the UFO in GeoScape, you can get a
lot of information on it, like if it was picked up by Hyperwave intercept,
radar contact, size, and so on. In fact, you can do that with almost any
base, XCOM craft, even shot-down UFOs to bring up more information and
perhaps some options (if the object is yours).
Quicker Game -- many fellow X-COMers claimed that shooting down the UFOs
will make the game longer. Their strategy: let the UFOs land and attack
them on the ground. More intact equipment, Elerium, and so on can be
found, which means more money, and thus more and faster research.
Supply Ship Delivery -- alien supply ships land to deliver stuff to the
alien bases, but you can benefit from their supplies also. Attack the
supply ship near enemy bases on the ground means you can often capture it
intact, and thus gain 300 units of Elerium and other stuff. And they keep
coming as long as the alien base is still there!
XCOM:UFO Defense Frequently Asked Questions Page 33
Finding Alien Bases -- have an empty Skyranger on standby. Use it to
intercept any large UFOs in addition to regular interceptors and other
crafts. If UFO is a supply ship, do NOT attack. Just follow it, and let
the Skyranger reach the spot. Then change it to patrol a closeby waypoint.
With a few hours in the air you should see the enemy base. If you cannot
find any, patrol edges of your base coverage area or areas where UFOs have
landed before.
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