@ A.2 X-COM Crafts and Craft Weapons
Speed Accel Fuel Weapons Hull Cargo HWPs
Skyranger 760 2 2000 0 150 14 3
Interceptor 2100 3 1000 2 100 0 0
Firestorm 4200 9 20(E) 2 500 0 0 (1)
Lightning 3100 8 30(E) 1 800 12 0 (2)
Avenger 5400 10 60(E) 2 1200 26 4 (3)
(E) Uses elerium-115 for fuel (1) new fighter
(2) new fighter/transport (3) ultimate craft
@ Note: for the Elerium fueled crafts, You may need to divide by 5 for the
actual units used. Reports in the net shows that Avenger takes actually 12
units of E-115 for refuel, instead fo 60 as implied here.
Damage Range Accuracy Reload Shots
[Start with]
Cannon 10 10 10% 2s 200?
Stingray 70 30 70% 15s 6
Avalanche 100 60 100% 20s 3
[Must Research]
Laser Cannon 70 21 70% 4s 99?
Plasma Beam 140 52 140% 6s 99
Fusion Launcher 230 65 230% 25s 2
NOTE 1: Match the weapon to the target. You want to force the alien to
land so you can board it and recover artifacts and prisoners, not blow it
into smithereens (though it might make you feel good)
NOTE 2: The long range weapons, like Avalanche, Plasma Beam, and Fusion
Ball Launcher, gives you advantage since UFO usually do not fire back until
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