(attempting to cause panic or get mind control),
requires Psi training
A.7 TU Usage by Activity
Weapon Usage: see A.4
Equipment Usage:
Medi-Kit 10 / dose
Mind Probe 25%
Motion Sensor 25%
Movement Usage:
Kneel/Stand 4/8
Go up 8
Go down 8
Turn 1 per 45 degrees
Go forward depends on terrain (details?)
Material Transfer Usage: (Thanks to reiben@vt.edu)
From \ To! Hand ! Belt ! Shoulder ! Leg ! Pack ! Ground
Hand ! - 8 10 8 14 2
Belt ! 4 - 12 10 16 6
Shoulder ! 3 10 - 12 16 4
Leg ! 6 10 10 - 18 6
Pack ! 6 12 14 16 - 10
Ground ! 8 12 12 10 20 -
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