independent body to combat, investigate, and defeat the alien
threat. The organization would be equipped with the world's
finest pilots, soldiers, scientists, and engineers, working
together as one multi-national force.
This organization was named the Extraterrestrial Combat Unit.
[End Excerpt]
You are in overall command of X-COM. You will launch
interceptors to attack marauding UFOs, send soldiers out to
attack crashed or landed UFOs, raid alien bases on Earth (if you
can find them), keep the sponsor nations happy (by shooting down
the UFOs and prevent alien terror attacks), buy the ammo and
weapons you need in the war, research and build better weapons as
your troops brings in alien artifacts for analysis, pay for
everything by sponsor countries' contributions and by selling
excess stuff, and eventually figure out where the alien threat is
coming from and end the threat once and for all.
The strategic level is centered on a screen with a rotate-able /
zoom-able 3D globe (GeoScape), with buttons to manipulate your
bases, check UFO activity, check your funding levels from the 15
sponsoring nations, and to look up data in your on-line UFOpedia.
At the tactical level (BattleScape) you control troops/tanks in
3D combat which is quite similar to Syndicate and Populous.
XCOM:UFO Defense Frequently Asked Questions Page 4
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