XCOM:UFO Defense Frequently Asked Questions Page 24
can always have the soldier pick up the weapon again. HINT:
panicked aliens and mind controlled soldiers NEVER EVER pick up
dropped weapons. HOWEVER, they WILL use any weapons they still
have ON them anywhere, including those in backpack.
5.6.6 How to improve psi-skill faster
Psi-skill can be improved by practice once you get psi-amps.
Therefore, psi-strength is much more important, since those
cannot be improved. Just keep attempting to panic aliens and you
can gain psi skills faster than training by psi-lab.
@ 5.6.7 Controlling a LARGE creature
Mind control a multi-square alien (Reaper, Cyberdisc, and
Sectopods) CAN be done, but you need to mind control ALL FOUR
PIECES of the creature. If you miss one, they are still there.
Fortunately, there large creatures with weapons (Sectopod and
Cyberdisc) tend to shoot the mind-controlled portion and kill
itself. It's Reapers that you need to watch out for.
5.7 Different shots and different weapons
Which shot to take from which weapons depends a lot on the
tactical situation involved. Any shot, no matter hit or not, can
alert the enemy who may turn around and let loose some shots (if
alien is still alive after the shot) by opportunity fire. Here's
some general guidelines.
5.7.1 When to use auto-shot
[KSC] Auto shot fires three rounds, but is the least accurate of
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