Error! Bookmark not defined. Attack terror sites and minimize
civilian / XCOM casualties
* Destroy alien bases on Earth
* Prevent destruction of your own bases
*Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined. Successfully research and apply
alien technology
You can see your score in the graphs screen. (Unfortunately
there is no breakdown like the after-battle report) You can see
your current funding levels in the Funding screen.
@ 7.2.2 What alien artifacts should I sell?
For non-weapon items, keeping one should be enough, since you
only need one artifact for your scientists to research, so sell
off the rest. Alien Entertainment, Food, and others are of no
use to you except for research value. Don't bother researching
those until you have nothing else to do, just sell them.
WARNING: There are reports (supposedly fourth or fifth-hand
information from one of the UFO/XCOM designers) that every unit
of alien entertainment sold will increase chance of a country
signing pact with aliens. This is UNconfirmed.
Sell off all the alien bodies unless you need one for research,
which probably won't happen till near the end. It's interesting
to know, but not essential to the win. So just sell those bodies
and research live aliens only.
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