blaster bomb can actually miss, so keep everyone WELL CLEAR of the flight
path!!!!! When you are finished plotting, click LAUNCH, then enjoy the
XCOM:UFO Defense Frequently Asked Questions Page 27
fireworks! Program it with two or more waypoints to avoid the one-shot
blaster launcher bug. See 1.5.
* How do my soldiers improve? -- By doing things. They improve firing
accuracy by shooting at things, strength by carrying more things, and so
on. Those getting kills will improve more than those who did not.
Therefore, try not to let HWP get a kill since you will lose a chance to
let a soldier improve, and leave the easy shots (against panicked aliens,
for example) to the rookies. Psi skill also improves with use.
6.0 Research and Manufacture Strategies
6.1 What should I research?
Here are the research trees that shows detailed progression:
Laser Weapons Heavy Heavy Plasma Plasma
| Plasma Plasma Clip Rifle Rifle Clip
Laser Pistol |___________| |__________|
| | |
Laser Rifle | |
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