more information.
Why do I never see any large UFOs? -- On missions like retaliation, base
and terror, small ships scout before the large ship comes in. If you
destroy the scouts, no large ships will appear.
Why do my soldiers rarely get promoted? -- To have promotions after battle
you need to have a certain number of troops around all your bases for the
promotion to be possible. There can be only one commander in all XCOM.
[KSC] These numbers appears to be based on the number of soldiers XCOM has
EVER HAD, rather than soldiers in employment.
Rank Sergeant Captain Colonel Commander
Troops needed 5 11 23 30
[Manual] HINT: Try to spread the officers out into different teams. Troops
led by officers have higher morale and is less susceptible to panic, unless
the officer is killed.
XCOM:UFO Defense Frequently Asked Questions Page 34
In the Soldier's stats, what's with the 2 colors on the bars? -- The dark
color was the soldier's ORIGINAL stats, when s/he first arrived at XCOM.
The lighter colors are the stats s/he gained since then. HEALTH bar is a
little different. The health bar have red indicating current health, with
a pink outline denoting original health. The WHITE bar that overlays the
red bar sometimes is the "STUN" bar. When the white bar reaches over the
red bar, the person drops unconscious. The white bar go up from smoke
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