Gun Fodder -- using rookies for gun fodder can be a valid tactic. Give
them nice armor if you want, hand them a pistol and a grenade, then sent
them into hot spots to attract fire or flush out aliens. If they survive,
they will gain experience, otherwise, they just failed the toughest
selection process.
Cyberdisc misc. -- in case no one told you, you can NOT stun a Cyberdisc.
It's a robot, and stun stuff tend to fry its innards. An alien medic may
be able to tell you more about it. One thing bad: it tends to explode when
it "dies", probably due to a self-destruct charge. Interesting Fact: if
you hit a cyberdisc in mid-air and killed it, body drops to the ground, but
explosion was at the level where it was killed! You can mind control it,
but you need to control every single of the four pieces. On the other
hand, if you controlled one piece, it will shoot itself to death. :-D
Alien shooting -- aliens rarely if ever shoot beam weapons up/down lifts.
However, they shoot a lot of blaster bombs and conduct psi attacks across
9.0 Misc. questions and answers
How do I win the game? -- The ultimate aim of XCOM is to research
(interrogate) live aliens to find out where they are coming from and why.
Grab an alien commander in an alien base. Once you interrogate a commander
you should get a big clue!
I still don't understand... How do I beat the aliens? -- *sigh* You need
to research Alien Origins, The Martian Solution, then Cydonia or Bust. As
you finished research on each, READ the accompanying text. See A.2 for
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