Plasma Rifle 4 820 1A 88000 126500 32000 2787278 297278
Plasma Rifle Clip 4 80 2E 3000 6290 - - -
Heavy Plasma 4 1000 1A 122000 171600 43100 3078374 588374
Heavy Plasma Clip 4 80 3E 6000 9590 - - -
Blaster Launcher 5 1200 1A 90000 144000 47500 2797750 332750
Blaster Bomb 3 220 3E 8000 17028 - - -
Small Launcher 3 900 1A 78000 120000 35500 2846627 331627
Stun Bomb 2 200 1E 7000 15200 3200 1166592 -
Alien Grenade 2 200 2E 6700 14850 - - -
Mind Probe 4 1200 1E 262000 304000 37000 2202240 -
UFO Power Source 22 1400 16E+5A 130000 250000 7500 310885 -
UFO Navigation 18 1600 3A 150000 80000 - - -
Fusion Ball L'cher 6 400 - 242000 281100 39100 6836244 4396244
Fusion Ball 6 600 4E 28000 53300 5300 617768 -
Laser Cannon 6 300 - 182000 211000 29000 6760480 4320480
Plasma Beam 8 500 15E 226000 267300 - - -
Tank/Laser Cannon 25 1200 - 500000 594000 94000 4371000 2406000
Hovertank/Plasma 30 1200 30E+5A 850000 980000 - - -
Hovertank/Launcher30 1400 25E+8A 900000 1043000 - - -
HWP Fusion Bomb 25 400 5E+8A 15000 31500 - - -
First six columns are just basic information from my version of XCOM.
(Note: I have seen posts stating that UFO has higher sale prices for some
items, notably armor!) The 'Unit Profit' column is sale price minus cost,
minus the cost of any E-115/Alloy used in manufacture. A '-' means a net
loss, no further analysis. 'Monthly Profit' column is based on an "XCOM
Month" of 24*31 = 744 hours. The calculation is number of engineers that
fit in two workshops times 744 times unit profit, divided by the hours
required to make one item. For example, the monthly profit for Motion
Scanners is 96*744*11600/220 = 1275993.
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