is not much in auto-mode, and three magazines can run out on you
pretty quick. It is also HEAVY.
5.3.4 Rocket Launcher
Rocket Launcher packs your biggest punch in the early game, and
being an area weapon makes it invaluable in dealing with nasty
Reavers and Cyberdiscs. On the other hand, you can only carry
three of them, and they only fly in straight lines. Try to have
another team member carry reloads.
5.3.5 Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle, and Heavy Laser
Forget the heavy laser. The 35% more damage that it does is
offset by having no auto mode and decreased accuracy. You can
XCOM:UFO Defense Frequently Asked Questions Page 19
probably forget the pistol also, but you need to research it to
get laser rifle. Laser rifle is arguable the best squad weapon
in the game, needing no ammo, with decent accuracy and damage.
5.3.6 Grenades and High Explosive
Get alien grenades when you can, but regular grenades would do.
Use them to flatten small buildings and take down walls so aliens
have nowhere to hide.
[NET] Proximity grenades should be used to block off doors and
stuff so nothing can sneak up behind you. They appear to have a
2-square blast radius and 1-square sensing radius, so do NOT
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