[Confirmed by Bill Soo]
5.5.8 It won't fit, lame double-brain! (Anti-Reaver tactic)
When under attack by Reavers, hide in a house with a single-space
door. The Reaver, being a 4-space creature, cannot go through
the door, and being a HTH attacker, cannot attack you through the
door or window. You can then jab it with stun rods or any weapon
you feel like using. Just don't... No, not the wall! Aieee!!!!!
5.6 Psi / Anti-Psi Tactics
Ethereal and Sectoid leaders can conduct psi attacks on your
soldiers. To get psi powers yourself, see 6.0 Research. You
will need to train your own soldiers in order to identify those
with most psi potential and then further training to bring them
up to speed. You will also need psi amp to conduct your own psi
attacks. Once mastered, psi attacks are very powerful. Here are
some suggestions in using and countering psi attacks.
5.6.1 Go ahead, cause panic
Aliens who panic drop their weapons. Since they never pick them
up, this makes them a lot less dangerous (except for the enemy
that use HTH attacks). Cause panic can also cause berzerkness.
Cause panic is also more likely to succeed than mind control.
@ 5.6.2 Access Mind-Controlled Enemy Inventory [Cheat / Bug]
If you mind-controlled an alien, you may have noticed that you
cannot access their inventory by clicking on the person icon.
However, there is still a way: go through YOUR soldiers'
inventory, THEN use the scroll buttons to scroll over! The alien
will show up as a squad member with no armor, but with name of
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