Error! Bookmark not defined. Do not research medikits
until you
get at least personal armor, and probably power suit, because
before then, one hit will usually kill you, giving you no
chance to use medikits
*Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined. You need better weapon and armor
initially more than you need anything else. Concentrate
research on weapons.
*Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined. While plasma rifle is
lighter, skip
it and research heavy plasma since you would need the extra
firepower. The "weaker" members can carry laser rifles
instead or get some exercise
*Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined. Research plasma beam immediately
after you finish researching the plasma weapons. Plasma beams
make interceptors much more effective and lowers its operating
cost (no missile reloads)
*Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined. Research small launcher/stun
and blaster launcher / blaster bomb when you get them (but not
top priority). They are nice to have, but not essential until
need to capture live aliens for more research and fights in
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