5.3.9 Small Launcher
This is the only weapon that gives you standoff stun capability.
Get this when you need to stun aliens. Try to back this up with
a regular weapon. Stun damage counts against alien's health, and
a hit can drop its health low enough so it gets stunned.
5.4 Assault tactics
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined. Your first priority is to
make sure
no aliens can ambush you as you deploy. This makes HWP
invaluable as they are often the first ones to exit the craft,
saving your soldiers from getting shot. They also take
several hits, even from heavy plasma, before being destroyed.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined. Your second priority is to scout
and clear out the map of any stray aliens, while locating your
primary objective. When boarding UFOs, the objective is the
UFO itself. When attacking alien base, the objective is the
alien command center. Spread out into fire teams of two
soldiers or one soldier and one HWP and search. One team
should guard the entrances to the objective when found.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined.
Error! Bookmark not defined. Your third priority is to secure
the objective. Leave a team guarding the entrance to the
objective in case the perimeter sweep missed somebody.
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