inhalation or getting stunned. The red bar drops from taking damage.
XXXX has signed a pact with the aliens! Can I get them back? -- Net has
conflicting reports on this question. Some have reported that if you
patrol that country aggressively, shoot down all UFO you see close by,
eliminate any alien bases in that country, and so on, it may came back
after a few months of positive score. Others have reported that this
tactic does not seem to work. It may be related to difficulty level.
I've researched an alien commander. How do I go to Cydonia? -- Read the
text that goes under Cydonia or Bust carefully. If you do everything
right, select that craft to intercept, and on the top next to CANCEL should
be a button labeled CYDONIA.
A. Appendix of Tables
Following are series of tables for XCOM. All information are in your
UFOpedia somewhere, but are presented in different forms here. The ?
items have unknown values at this revision. If you see them, please
notify the author so an update could be made.
A.1 Base Facilities
You can have up to 8 bases around the world. There are 36 (6x6)
locations in each. Only hanger takes up more than one location. Also
see A.9 (new!) for costs to start a base at different locations around
the world.
Name Days Build Cost Cost/month Usage
Access Lift 1 300k 4k (Entrance to underground base)
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