from overhead when stepped on. Once down the ladder, you must move quickly to get out of the way of this rock. Enter the large opening on the right side of the room. This leads to the burrick caves.The Burrick Caves Enter the cave and head through it. The first section is pretty linear, so don't worry about getting lost. When you come to a T-intersection, hold up for a second and wait. It's likely that a burrick is patrolling the area. Wait until it moves off to your right, then enter the tunnel and head to the left. Continue following this tunnel around until it opens up into a large cavern. There are many burricks here, but they shouldn't be a problem. Hug the left wall and walk around the room. Eventually, you'll spot an opening up the wall. This is where you want to climb up. You'll recognize this opening by its greenish tint. Climb and mantle up until you can stand, then walk forward until you reach a huge cavern with a ledge running on your side of the wall. Step down onto the ledge and turn left. Follow the ledge until you come to the large, reddish opening on your left. Looking through it, you'll see several tombs in the distance. The two gems and the Horn of Quintus lie through this opening. The Horn of QuintusWalk forward into the catacombs. Take the right-hand corridor every time you have a choice. Use your holy water and water arrows if you need to take out some of the zombies, but don't use your fire arrows since you'll need them later. Keep heading down these right-hand corridors until you come to an open room with a lot of zombies. Run over to and head the long ramp in the center of the room. At the top of the ramp, kill the zombie and walk past the ladder and around to the other corridor. There are fireballs being launched into the hallway from the room here, so wait patiently, timing your passage past the room so that you aren't hit. Move down the hallway, heading right whenever possible. You'll come to a circular room with a set of stairs going up. Take them, then walk up the huge ramp that you come to. At the top of the ramp, there are more of those purple magic missiles to deal with. The four posts on the platform fire their missiles at regular intervals, so timing your ... Далее >>