the crypt. Then flip the lever to the up position. This drops the bridge from the arena back to the main part of the Lost City. Go back up the stairs and take the next short staircase to the right. This leads to an equally short staircase down. Take it, then make a hard left and enter the main arena hallway. Ahead of you is the bridge you just dropped, but you aren't leaving quite yet. Shoot a rope arrow into the beam crossing this hallway and climb up, mantling onto the beam itself. Shoot arrows into the two craymen here, then shinny across the beam to the main floor. Hunt around for the third mask and take it with you, as well as any other good valuables you find. When you're done, go back down the ladder, collect the rope arrow, and head across the bridge. The Elemental Tower Past the bridge, walk forward, using the railing to cross over the lava flow. Jump up the broken brick pieces to the next building and go all the way through to the staircase leading down on the right. At the bottom of the stairs, step through the window to the ledge below, then head left along the ledge. Mantle up to the next plateau, then walk to the right, taking the first staircase you see. Walk out the opening at the bottom, then move left to the ruined campsite. Loot the area, then keep following the path. Just beyond the campsite, make a very hard right and continue on, walking by the discarded spinal column lying on the ground. Head down the slope. Next you'll come to an area with a large statue that looks like it might be sinking slowly into the lava. Jump across the pool to the far side and scramble up to the top. Edge in through the window and get to the near platform. Jump across the room to the opposite platform and drop down to the ground. Walk through the door and across the open area to the Elemental Tower. Go in. All you need to do at first is run up the two staircases to the third floor of the tower. Edge through a window and lower yourself onto the ledge just outside. Now walk around the building on the ledge. Keep your eyes trained up. You're looking for a wooden crossbeam that is directly above a window. When you spot this, fire a rope arrow into the wood and ... Далее >>