chest to get the bronze-colored key. Now fire a water arrow into the fireplace to douse the fire. Crouch and crawl in. To your left is a switch on the wall. Flip it to reveal another hidden passage. There is a door on each side of the fireplace. Investigate both. Head back out into the hallway and turn right at the end. Go into the next two doors to your right and steal all the worthwhile valuables in these two rooms as well. Return to the hallway and go right again. The next door leads to what looks like a Hammerite shrine. Walk through it and go through the door on the other side. Take the set of stairs down to the first floor of the house.The First Floor Wait on the stairs. The bottom floor of the house is heavily patrolled. You must be very careful and stay tight in the shadows when the guard passes. When the coast is clear, go down the stairs, ignoring the door to the left, and out into the hallway.Head left. Go through the first door on the right and into Ramirez's trophy room. Keep the door open and wait. Eventually, a guard will pass, headed toward the left. This is your cue to leave. From the door you came in, take the door on the left back into the hallway. Go straight until the hall ends and turn left. Take the stairs down and into the basement.The Basement and Ramirez Go straight, following the corridor around until you come to a T-intersection. Turn right and you'll see a long ramp with a door at the end. Use the bronze-colored key to get you through. Go left. The first opening to your left is the room you're looking for. Ramirez is here. If you're quiet and careful, he won't hear or see you, and you should be able to put an arrow in him without much trouble. Grab the key off the shelf and the one from his belt and use them to open the two chests in the room. Now it's time to get out.Escape Head up the basement the way you came in, going up the long ramp and turning left at the top. Keep following the hallway until you get to the stairs. Make sure there aren't any guards around, then head up, turn left, and continue up the stairs all the wayto the top. Back on the top floor, walk clockwise around the hallway until you come back to the library where you entered the house. Go straight ... Далее >>