climb up. You need to jump toward the right to land on the upper part of the ruined stairway. Take it up to the top and move forward into the room with the Talisman of Fire. Grab the talisman, then head to the bottom of the tower.Getting Out The safest, albeit slowest, way to get back to safety is to follow your path from the Elemental Tower back through the arena all the way to the Civic Center. It takes some time to do this and will require that you mantle up on a lot of walls. Still, you already know what lies this way, and there will be no surprises if you use this route for your return trip. When you get back to the Civic Center, take a left, heading through the large opening. Walk straight ahead. This will take you right past the huge obelisk for the market area (it has three pieces of wheat carved on the far side). Walk straight ahead again, bearing right. Through this passage you'll see a ruined gate ahead to your left. Jump through the hole in the wall to your right. Ignore the first passage to your right and walk forward. When this path ends, you'll be back on a balcony in the residential district. Mantle up on the building on your left and retrace your steps over the buildings back to the library. Once here, head in through the main entrance. Bear left, and when you can't go forward any more, make a left and then another left. Take the stairs all the way to the top floor. From the stairs, head right, all the way to the room with the rubble piled in it. Mantle up to the roof. Now all you need to do is follow this pathway all the way back to the waterfall. Once here, you've left the Lost City, and the mission ends. UNDERCOVER First StepsYou start out in the streets near the Hammer temple. Walk forward, bearing left around the corner and then right. When you spot the large archway to your left, go through it and walk boldly up to the Hammerite at the gate. Hand him the scroll in your possession (and take a moment to read it as well) and he will allow you access into the temple. What you will discover from the scroll is that any area marked with an inverted red hammer is off-limits to you. Once inside the Hammer temple, walk around the gigantic hammer statue in the ... Далее >>