Hammerites talking about Cutty in cell block 4. Crouch down and sneak in, staying in the shadows. After a few moments, one of the guards will walk past you, giving you the opportunity to steal the key on his belt. Do so, and let him walk on. When he is gone, carefully sneak past the guard that is still here and move into the prison proper. Follow the sign toward cell blocks 3 and 4. You'll come to another guard. Again, by staying crouched in the shadows and moving very carefully, you should be able to get past him and up the stairs. Go left here toward cell block 4. You're on the bottom floor of the cell block and must make it inside to get to the top. Kill the guard with an arrow, then go through the cell block into the corridor beyond. Hide in the shadows here and wait for the Hammerite to pass, then run in and go all the way to the back of the top floor. Flip the bottom left switch to open the door to Cutty's cell. Now get back down the stairs, again hiding in the shadows to avoid being seen by the Hammerites. As you leave the corridor, Cutty will be in the first cell on your left. Unfortunately for you, Cutty is in no shape to travel. As a way of paying you for the Bafford job, he'll tell you that another thief, Felix, has made plans to find and steal the Horn of Quintus. The Hammerites have taken his notes and put them in their evidence box in the officers' quarters. Cutty then dies, and your objectives change. You must get those plans to get out successfully. Issyt and Getting to the Officers' Quarters You now need to get to the barracks, located the next level up. From the bottom floor of cell block 4, look to the right. There's an open area here with a Hammerite guard. Use a noisemaker arrow to distract him, and when he goes away, go diagonally through the room and over to the ground floor of cell block 1. Kill the guard at the back of this cellblock to gain entrance. Issyt's remains are on the second floor, in the second cell from the back. Flip the switch next to the bottom one on the right to open the cell door and look in. One of Issyt's hands is your Hand of Glory, so grab it. Then return to the first level and walk back as if you were going to head back down the ... Далее >>