through and jump off the balcony and into the water. Let the current carry you out. The current will carry you back to the area with the long wooden platform that you crossed on your way to Ramirez's house. There will be guards around, so you'll need to be careful. Launch a noisemaker arrow to distract the guards, then climb up the ladder. Now start running. Follow the general path you followed at the start of the mission, but when you get to the store, keep going, following the streets to get back to your own neck of the woods. Use the map, and keep moving. If you run, the guards shouldn't be able to draw a bead on you or get close enough to hit you with their swords. THE SWORD Getting In To start, head all the way around to the corner. Arm a rope arrow and shoot is straight up into the wooden roof. Climb up and jump onto the balcony. Head through the doorway to your right. Climb down the ladder and walk carefully into the next room. Carefully open the door into the main hallway and look around. Several guards patrol this outer hallway, but you'll have time to sneak down the hall when the coast is clear. Head into the hallway, go left, and enter thefirst door on the right. Walk toward the back of the room you've entered and pick the safe in the lower part of the pillar. Now go back into the hallway and head right, pass through the opening to your left, and go up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, you'll notice that the floor in front of you is missing. Jump into the corridor on the right, head around the corner to the left and take the first door that you come to on the left. Look under the odd wall hanging at the back of the room. Open the door to the left (the one on the opposite end of the room if you entered from the hall) and stand back to avoid the trap. Walk into the next room, grab the loot off the table, and leave, closing the door behind you. Then head back into the hallway. Take the next door on your right and open the two chests. Then go back into the halland turn right. The floor in front of you is trapped. Get a running start and leap over it, landing on the other side. Skip the next door on the left and walk forward around the corner. Investigate all of the doors you find, ... Далее >>