back to the T-intersection and go forward into the next room. Head to the right here, and go through the long tunnel. As you go through this tunnel, you can grab a few water arrows. You'll also have to kill off a spider or two on your way to the next large area. This path will end on a platform overlooking some sort of shrine on the ground. Fire a water arrow into the fire elemental and take a look around. Use a rope arrow to get over to the higher platform on the left and snag the gas arrows here. You can also put another rope arrow into the ceiling by the platform on the other side and get the water arrows here. A few more ratmen patrol this area, and hitting them from above will keep you out of range. If you didn't drop the bugbeast earlier, there's a good chance it will appear now. When the ratmen are dead or unconscious, drop down to the ground and walk into the large, open area. Take the tunnel on the left until you get to the next large room dominated by the tree at its center. Use another rope arrow to get up to the platform and take a look around. Don't miss going through the opening and into the tree. Get the arrows here and read the book. It's a journal of Constantine's and it suggests that either he is a highly placed agent of The Trickster, or he is The Trickster himself. When the ratmen in this area are taken care of, drop back to the ground. Head up the ramp here and go left at the T-intersection. You'll see a room ahead that looks like it belongs in a normal basement and there's carpeting on the floor. Slay the ratman with an arrow and move in carefully. Three other ratmen patrol this area.Into the Basement Although your map has shown you to be in Constantine's basement this whole time, you're now in something that actually resembles a real basement and not some evil forest. When there are no ratmen around, move through the room and into the corridor beyond. Douse the torch with a water arrow and wait. Eventually, the three ratmen in this area will come this way. If you can, hit them with arrows when they're still unaware of your presence. When you have killed them all, walk forward down the hallway and go right at the end of the hall. Walk forward now until you get to the ... Далее >>