bugbeast, litter the floors. To get to where you need to go, you'll be taking left passages for the most part. When there are no ratmen in the area, move away from the ladder and through the opening ahead of you and into the tunnel beyond. The Hammers have carved out a few rooms in this tunnel complex, but you don't have the luxury of hiding behind closed doors. A few barrels here can serve as an impromptu hiding place, and you'll often find a good number of deep shadows behind the columns holding up the ceiling. Take every left-most passage until you find the dead Hammer under a cloud of insects. If you look beyond him, you'll see a fountain of holy water that has been toppled. There's nothing of value in that room, and a spider is lurking there, so avoid it. Instead, take the next passage to the right from there and continue moving forward. As you exit the room and look down the tunnel, you'll see a set of stairs leading down in the distance. Again, wait for the ratmen to finish their patrols in the area, then make a run for the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, you'll emerge into a large, circular area with three levels. You'll be on the top level along with the bodies of two dead Hammers. The next level down has a cross-shaped wooden walkway spanning the center. All the way at the bottom, you can see a couple of creatures, including another bugbeast, walking about. Around to the right of where you entered this area is a locked door. You can't open this door with your lock-picks, so you'll have to get the key. Walk around the upper walkway to the opening on the other side and go through. This leads to a ramp heading downto the next level. You emerge on the middle level in a small alcove with two tiny rooms off from it. In the right one, you can get a few moss arrows, while the one on the left holds some fire arrows. Get them, then lean out so that you can look at the walkway. The ratman patrolling the walkway must be dealt with. When he is dead, walk straight across the walkway, avoiding both the left and right crosspieces.On the far side is another alcove with two rooms. The right room is a water area. Jump in and get the water arrows in the central dry area. The left room looks ... Далее >>