center of the room and open the door opposite your entrance point. This takes you into the main part of the temple. You'll notice a long staircase leading down, but you aren't going to take it yet. From where you entered this room, take the closest door on the right. Directly ahead of you, in the next room, are a scroll and a book on the table. Grab the scroll, which will appear in your inventory as a piece of papyrus. This is the Wall Builder's Prayer, which you will need to get the Talismans from where they are lying. Continue along through this room and out the door on the left. This will take you to a balcony. Walk down the balcony and into the Reliquary, where artifacts important to the Hammer faith are kept. You can ignore the conversation, but you should take a look at the three items on the stands. The one in the middle is the First Hammer. Don't grab it yet, though. Instead, return to the large staircase and head down to thenext lower level. Finding the Five Switches A number of Hammer guards are in the area, and you need to make sure you aren't spotted. From the bottom of the staircase, make a right followed by another right and walk down the hallway here. When the coast is clear, duck into the first door on the right. It's one of those rooms with an inverted red hammer,so you must be careful. There is a very angry priest inside the room, and he is tough to kill. Instead, knock him out with a gas arrow and close the door behind you. With a little luck, he will not have raised much of a fuss and the Hammer guards are still unaware that you aren't really a novice. Explore his room, and grab the key off his back table and the hammer on the small shrine. Then carefully go back out into the hallway and to the left. Run back up the staircaseto the top floor. Return to the Reliquary, and this time, go out the door near the artifacts. Continue going through the doors ahead of you until you reach a locked door. The key you stole from the priest's room is a master key and will open everything in the entire temple. When there are no guards nearby, open the door and go in, closing it behind you. Use the key on the chest here, which will contain a scroll. Reading the scroll will tell ... Далее >>