much like the void room back in the mission to retrieve Constantine's sword. Don't worry about entering, the floor is simply invisible. Snag the gas arrows here and leave, going through the tunnel that leads to a long spiral staircase heading down. At the bottom of the stairs, you'll find yourself face-to-face with a Hammer guard. He recognizes you and tells you of the current plight of the temple. The high priest has been captured by the Trickster's creatures. The Hammers dare not risk an attack because the ratmen would kill the priest as soon as they were threatened. However, someone with your talents seems well suited to the task of rescuing the man. The guard will give you a key and a map and send you on your way.Finding the Priest After you have the key and the map, you need to get back to the top level of the circular area. Re-trace your steps all the way up to the locked door at the top and use your new key to open it. As soon as you do, back up just in case a ratman is patrolling in the area. This next area is quite dangerous and requires a lot of precision, timing, and patience. Walk forward through the door and then through the opening ahead. Take an immediate left into the corridor beyond. A number of ratmen and bugbeasts are shuffling around in this area, so you must move carefully. When there is nothing in the immediate vicinity, shoot a water arrow to douse the torch on the left wall, and put the bow away. You're going to stick to the corridor here, avoiding the rooms in the middle so you don't have to worry about the bulk of the creatures. Each time you approach a torch, use one of your water arrows to douse it and darken the area. As you walk, you'll frequently run across the patrolling ratmen. You can get into a fight with them if you wish, but there is no need. Fortunately, there are a number of privies along the left side of the corridor where you can hide when one of the ratmen gets close. Follow this corridor all the way to the end.Take the ramp down.The Priest There are three exits from the room at the bottom of the ramp. Go through the exit on the left. This room holds two ratmen. Fortunately, they are currently standing with their backs to you, facing a ... Далее >>