picking up loot and being very wary of any wall coverings. Many of the chests and items are trapped so that opening them releases a cloud of magic at you. Make sure that you're out of the line of fire when you open any chests. When you come to the first set of double doors on the right, open them and head down. There are two torches burning on the first landing. Snuff the one on the right and continue down the stairs to the bottom. Snuff both of the torches here and wait. A guard will wander by soon, and he's carrying a key you need. Wait until he walks past, then snag the key. Wait until he disappears to your left before heading back up the stairs to the second floor. Back here, go out in the hall and one door to the right. Open it with the key and head upto the top level. Nabbing the SwordFrom the staircase, turn left and go around the corner. Head through the tunnel directly in front of you and walk straight, bearing right as the corridor bends. Walk out into the void room and pick up the two gems on the floor here. You'll need to jump across the void to the other platform. Leave the void room now and crawl to your left. Take the tunnel leading up. When it ends, you'll be above a hallway with a patrolling guard. There is a rope hanging from the ceiling and another tunnel beyond on the opposite wall. Jump across to the rope and then jump into the next tunnel. Follow it up and to the left, where it ends, opening into a large area. There are also two guards standing here. Kill the guards with your arrows, then walk into the hallway. Walk to the edge of the platform. It overlooks a large, octagonal room. In front of you, floating in the air, is Constantine's sword. Crouch and look up. Shoot a rope arrow into the greenish ceiling around the top of the room, fairly close to the skylight in the center. Jump over to the rope and grab on, inching down a little. Reach over and grab the sword. Jump back to the top floor where you just came from, duck back under the low wall you crawled from, and head back down. Crawl back to where you left the void room. As you did on your way up, you'll have to use the rope in the hallway to get across to the other tunnel as you work your ... Далее >>