mantle and climb up the ledges above you to get to the top. It's sometimes helpful to fire a rope arrow into the next higher ledge and use that to pull yourself up rather than trying to jump and mantle. At the top, climb through the opening and keep walking. You'll come to a large, long room with purple lights along the sides. These purple lights fire purple magic missiles at you when you step in front of them, so you'll need to move quickly through this next area. Start running, and take out the ratman standing guard at the end. Stopping for too long here is fatal, so be very careful about where you take a break to kill the ratman.Across the Lava Fields On the other side of the large room, you'll come to a series of caves. All or most of these caves are large, and the floors are filled with deadly lava. You'll need to stick to the ledges that run along the left walls to avoid falling to your death. This path is also guarded by a number of ratmen. Take them out as you see them, preferably with arrows or fire arrows. Move carefully, because early in this series of ledges and tunnels there is a sudden drop-off where you'll need to jump across the lava to reach the other side. There really is only one way to go through these caves. The general rule is to move swiftly after the jump and when there are no ratmen in the vicinity. Move slowly only when your path is blocked by a ratman. Around one corner, you'll glimpse some blue crystals on a distant platform. Be careful here because that platform holds a bugbeast. Get by the bugbeast without being spotted, and continue on. You'll come to what looks like a dead end, with a high rock wall in front of you. Look up. Some vines are hanging down here. Climb up one and jump over to the wall. From here, leap to a vine on the other side and climb down. This will put you just outside the area where Constantine is. Replacing The Eye Ahead of you is a massive seven-pointed star drawn on the ground. Constantine, in his form as the Trickster, is currently casting spells on each of the pedestals at the points of the star. The Eye stands on an eighth pedestal in the center of the platform. You must get to The Eye and swap it with the ... Далее >>