you spot the switch on the wall. Flip it, and it will open a grating to your right. Walk through this opening, and you'll be back outside, on a plateau just above where you started this level. DOWN IN THE BONEHOARDThe First Catacombs You start outside the Bonehoard with the entrance in front of you. The dead body on the ground is a zombie that will rise up and attack if you get too close, so avoid it entirely as you walk to the opening. Climb down here and follow the tunnel to the open area with the rope hanging down. You'll have to jump to this rope and start shinnying down, but don't go too fast. There is a very active, very angry zombie waiting for you on the ground floor, although it doesn't see you yet. If you look around, you'll see some ledges against one of the walls. Jump from the rope to the middle ledge, then hop down to the next one and turn to face the room. You'll notice a passage on the left side of the room. When the zombie has its back turned, jump down and run through that opening, make a hard turn to the left, and run up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, turn right and follow the hallway around. It ends in a short ramp that will drop you down to a lower floor. Slide down the ramp and turn left when you reach the bottom. Walk forward into the large room and head to the right, going out the other passage here. Take the first set of stairs up that you find. Continue following the passage at the top of the stairs. It branches to the left at one point. Continue forward until you come to the crypt area. Get the urn by crouching and crawling forward so the spears that come shooting out of the wall will go over your head. Now go up the short staircase here and into the next room. Shinny down the rope into a hallway and head to the left. Look into the alcove and open the chest. Then head back toward the rope. Go past it and jump into the pool of water. Swim down and straight ahead until you can surface again, then turn around and climb out. Open the chests, but stand next to them when you open them up. Now walk back around the pool to the other side and turn to the right. Take the ladder down into the hole. At the bottom is a large pressure plate that releases a boulder ... Далее >>