wall, then go right, followed by an immediate left. You'll have to walk across a metal floor here, but with the ratmen out of the way, this shouldn't be much of a problem. Take the first left on this floor and go up the ramp. You'll still be on a metal floor, but there aren't any enemies close by. When you get back to the carpeting, turn right, then take the next left. You'll be spending a long time in this hallway because there are a few more ratmen to deal with here. Extinguish the torches as you go down the hall, then duck into the alcove to the left. Again, ratmen will walk past on patrols, but if you've been careful, they shouldn't know that you're around. Drop all three of them however you can, but make sure you still have a few gas arrows in your inventory for the next floor. You can use your broad-head arrows without much fear at this point because you won't have much use for them on the top floor. With these ratmen out of the way, go back to the hall and all the way to the corner on your left. Continue around the corner, and take the first left, running past the spider here. Take the next two rights until you get to the door. Open it, and you're at a set of stairs. Climb up them to the first level of Constantine's house.Getting Out Unfortunately, the top floors of the house are completely closed off. You'll have to get through the front door to get out. Go right from the stairs and into the hallway. Go left then, and follow the hallway all the way around to the kitchen area. You will likely run across a ratman, so drop him. You'll also have a run-in with an exploding frog creature, which will probably strip away some of your hit points. At the kitchen, shoot a gas arrow at the ratman standing guard, then enter the room. From here, go left into the dining room and get the fire arrows off the table. Again, there is probably a ratman patrolling through this room. If you still have two gas arrows, use one on him. If not, kill him with fire arrows, broad-head arrows, or whatever else you have in your arsenal. In a worst-case scenario, blind this ratman with a flash bomb and run through the roominto the hallway. In the hallway, arm yourself with a gas arrow and go left. Follow ... Далее >>