picking his pocket is immaterial. When he is dead or when he has turned the corner at the end of the hall, move forward to the alcove on your right. Pass by the door. There's a set of stairs leading down to a small room with a door on each side.Open either one. In the next room, there is a single guard. Drop him with a well-placed shot. The scepter is hanging on a pair of hooks behind the throne in this treasury.Getting Out You'll leave a different way. Walk out of the throne room and back into the hallway. Turn right and take another right at the next door. This is Bafford's bedroom. When you've collected all the trinkets, go back to the hallway and turn right again. This time, go past the corridor branch to the left and open the door in the left wall at the end of the corridor. Walk to the other end of the library. Take the first staircase to your right. Go up, then head down the other staircase once you get there. Head down the next staircase back to level one. Sneak out of the stairwell and turn left. Take the next left you can, and walk until you see the switch sitting against one of the pillars. Throw the switch to open the nearby gate back to the outsideand leave. BREAK FROM CRAGSCLEFT PRISON The Mines Walk over to the large depression in the ground and jump in. There's really only one path you can swim, so take it. This will take you into the mines themselves. You'll be starting on the level next to the bottom. Crawl out of the water and walk forward, following the mine cart tracks. Walk around the dead-fall and into the mines proper. Ahead of you is a corpse surrounded by a cloud of insects. Avoid both and continue to walk straight ahead down the tracks. After you take a few steps, the corridor will branch. Take the short right branch, and when it stops, head to the left. This corridor opens into a larger area with a pair of corridors running left and right.Take the closest one on the right. You'll soon come to an open area with a device at the back of the room. Move in and, avoiding the zombie, jump onto the ledge in the wall on the right. Crawl up this incline until you reach the end. It opens up into a small room with three bodies, one of which isa zombie. Come out of the tube and go ... Далее >>