Jump to it, then look down and grab the key sitting here. Now walk into the main partof the room. Look up. You'll see a number of crossbeams above you. Arm a rope arrow and shoot it into one of the beams, then climb up. When you're at the top, mantle all the way up. Walk along the beams to the more solid platform in the back corner, then head through the ruined house to the door at the back side. You'll have to use your lock-picks to open this portal as quickly as possible. Several zombies are outside here. Kill them all. Once the way is clear, take a look at your map. You'll find yourself on Market Street now, and you'll be heading to the far end. Walk past the bridge to your immediate left. Search through the buildings as you go down Market Street for valuables. Keep heading down Market Street until you come to a large built-up hill. Climb up the hill and jump down the hole at the top. Kill the spider inside. Mantle back out and continue forward down the street until you come to the wooden bridge to your left. Run over the bridge, flying past the burricks that guard it. Take the first left, running through the small puddle around the destroyed building, then keep following the only open path ahead of you. Enter the destroyed building through the open end that used to be the base and crawl to the back for some additional loot. Then move out and head to the left. Again, go straight until you see the door way across the street. Go through and keep walking forward until you find yourselfback on the street. From here, run straight ahead and take the first left. The spirits of a couple of dead Hammers are guarding the area, but you should be able to run past them. Head up the huge staircase to the outside of the cathedral.Following The Eye When you get to the temple, turn to the right and run all the way around. Keep your ears open because you'll be getting a ghostly message from The Eye itself. It will tell you that to rescue it, you must unlock the way into the cathedral. The Keepers have sealed the way. To enter, you must find the Keepers' grotto and, while standing on the pedestal there, re-light the torches by the statue. Now it's time to leave. Go back to the main entrance to the ... Далее >>