to do. You must touch his tombstone with the rosary, then place the candle on the stone and read the prayer. Touch the gravestone with the blessed holy symbol, and Murus' grave will have been blessed. With his soul finally at peace,he can rest easily now. Unfortunately, Murus doesn't have a key to the cloister gate. Instead, he gives you a key to the old armory on the top floor of the cathedral. You'll have to go back to the cathedral if you want to leave in one piece.Getting Out Leave the cemetery and go back to the broken staircase by St. Yora's. Re-enter St. Yora's and get ready to move. Walk straight forward into the room where you grabbed the healing potion and go left through the other doorway. Follow the hallway here all the way around to the left until it ends in a large room. The doorway to your right leads back into the garden between St. Yora's and the cathedral. Leave by this door, and get yourholy water ready to use. The garden is home to both an apparition and a haunt. Since you really don't want these creatures following you, use a holy water vial and destroy them. When the way is clear, go back through the door leading into the cathedral. Run around the apparition and go to the right, taking the door to the staircase. Return again to the third floor and open the door at the top. In this room, use the armory key you got from Murus on the left door. Inside, you'll find a parchment, an explosive device, and a few fire arrows. Read the parchment and get the explosive and the arrows. Once you have these, return to the garden and drop down the broken staircase again.Run out now to the cloister gates near St. Vale's. Drop the explosive device by the gates and back up to the shadow area across from it. Launch one of your fire arrows into the device and the gates will be blown open. Run out, and the mission will end. ESCAPE! Into the MazeYou start in the altar area outside Constantine's garden. Chances are good that you looted this area during the mission to steal Constantine's sword. When you were here last, there was a door in the room that you could not open. It's open now, though. Before going through it, check around the altar area and get the useful items here. You won't get ... Далее >>