slalom course. The first part is stone, but it quickly changes to ice. Use your left and right movement to skid out of the way of the blue ice crystals, and run backwards to control your speed as best you can. At the bottom, turn right and move forward. Entering Constantine's Lair Walk over to the backward waterfall and jump in. After a few seconds, you'll break the surface and will be moving along at a fair clip. The current is very swift through most of this area, so you'll have to be quick to get where you need to go. Continue swimming forward, ducking down into the water when you run out of head room. Again, break the surface as quickly as possible and let the current carry you. The next part of this is the most dangerous. You'll be forced underwater again, and the current will carry you up and around a large bend. You must rotate around so that you're facing in the right direction. Let the current carry you, and swim forward as well. Around a couple more tight bends, keep your eyes to the left. You should be just about out of air, when there appears to be a break in the water to the left side. Move carefully out of the current into this small alcove. When you get your breath back, jump back into the current and let it carry you along. After a few seconds, the waterway will deposit you in a large pool of water that is somehow suspended above the ground. If you look down, you'll see the top of the blue ice pedestal. Position yourself directly over the center and swim down. You'll fall out of the pool, directly into the top of the pedestal and into the water below. Let the current carry you up to the surface, and get back onto dry land. The Tree and the Gorge Go forward into the large area dominated by the biggest tree you've ever seen. Go around to the right, being as cautious as possible. You'll need to deal with a couple of ratmen here. Take them down, and continue walking around the tree until you come to the large, gaping entrance leading into the trunk. There are several spiders here. Run around them and mantle up onto the ledge, then mantle up to the next higher ledge. Fire a rope arrow into the ledge across from you and jump over to it, climbing up. You'll have to ... Далее >>