your health if it is active when you attempt to pick up either Talisman. To get rid of the force field, stand in the cell with the Talismans and read the Wall Builder's Prayer that you nabbed at the start of the mission. This counters the spell but will also set off the alarm. All of that sneaking has brought you this far, but you'll now have to run for the exit.Escaping Go back across the bridge and out into the hallway. Take a left and follow the hall around. The guards are on full alert at this point, so there may be a few of them in the halls ahead of you. Run through and get to the large staircase. Run up and go to the left.Get out to the balcony and jump over the wall onto the low roof below. From here, drop down to the streets, andthe mission will end. RETURN TO THE CATHEDRALGetting The Eye Use the four Talismans on the appropriate statues around the doorway and go in. Turn right and go through the door, then through the other door in this small room. Move forward into the long, narrow room and pick the lock on the door to the right. Get the loot from inside and return to the entrance to the cathedral. Avoid the double doors to your right and open the door across from you. Again, go through the other door in this room and into the long, narrow room beyond. Pick the lock on the door to the left and get the loot. Return to the long room and walk to the door on your left. Prepare your flash bombs and get ready to move. Open the door and sneak in. There are three or four zombies and three haunts in this room. Creep forward to the haunt in the center of the room and get his attention. Hopefully, you'll also attract the attention of the other two haunts and most of the zombies. When they get close, use three flash bombs to wipe them out. When your vision returns, run up to the altar (The Eye is floating about 15 feet above you) and go through the door on the right. Get the water arrow off the fountain and the holy water from the corner. Get a vial of holy water ready and arm your water arrows. Open the door back to the main altar area and look around. Quickly dispatch any un-dead with holy water arrows. From the room with the fountain, walk past the altar and open the door on the other ... Далее >>