finished helping Murus. Walk around the corner and through the door on the left into St. Vale's. Shoot a rope arrow into the balcony on the left and climb up, mantling up to the top floor. Walk around the balcony and get the prayer book, then go retrieve your rope arrow. Drop back down to the ground floor and leave. Return to the broken staircase outside St. Yora's and speakwith Murus again. Through St. Jenel's Murus will tell you that you have everything you need to do the favor for him, and that he will meet you in the graveyard next to his grave. However, to finish the mission, you have a couple of things to do in St. Jenel's first. Go back through the archway to the cloister and into the building directly across from you. Walk forward inside the building and drop down to the basement level. Press the button to get the elevator back to the top floor and walk out toward the staircase. Don't take the stairs. Instead, hug the left wall to the overhanging balcony. Drop down and open the blue chest here to nab the cemetery key. Snag the loot off the table and run past the zombie up the stairs. Get back on the elevator and press the button to go to the lower floor. Step off the elevator and into the room beyond. Go forward toward the table and take a hard left. Pick the lock on the door here and go in, taking the long staircase all the way to the observatory at the top. If you read the book on the table, you'll discover that the Hammers have determined that the moon has mystical properties. Throw the holy symbol you created into the small pool here, then retrieve it. The water in the pool has blessed the holy symbol, making it ready for use. Go back down the stairs now and to the elevator. Take it to the top floor and leave St. Jenel's the way you came in.The Graveyard When you leave St. Jenel's, take a right and walk to the gate. Open the gate and walk through. Ahead of you and slightly to the right, you'll see the locked gates of the cemetery. Use the key on the gates and go through. Arm yourself with fire arrows and use a couple on the zombie you find skulkingaround in here. Wander through the graveyard until you find Murus standingby an old grave. He'll tell you exactly what ... Далее >>