you what you must do to get the Talismans. In short, you must find and flip five hidden switches that are dispersed around the temple.One is in the old kitchen, another in the Inquisitor's torture chamber,the third in the garden, the fourth in the graveyard, andthe fifth in the Reliquary. It's time to go flip some switches.The Old Kitchen and the Inquisitor's Room Get back to the large staircase and take it down. Return to the hallway outside the priest's room, but pass it by, continuing all the way to the end of the hall. Take the first corridor to the left and take the staircase here all the way down to the storage room. Now sit and wait. A guard is patrolling the hallway outside this room, walking counterclockwise. Wait for him to pass, then walk out into the hall. Follow him from a safe distance, and keep going around the corners behind him. Eventually, you'll see a door on your left leading into the central area of this hall. When the guard turns the next corner, open the door with the key and go in, closing it behind you. This is the old kitchen, which is currently being converted into a treasure room. Open the three chests and get all the coins from the floor. Look around the broken wall and hit the switch on the back wall. With the switch flipped, go back to the door and return to the hallway, but be careful that the guard doesn't spot you leaving.Go around the hallway again, staying behind the guard. On the opposite side of the hall is a doorway to your right. Head in, being as quiet as possible. The Inquisitor is currently asleep on his bed, and if you stay on the carpet, he won't wake up. Go across the room and into the torture chamber. Look right and walk over to the rack. On the wall behind it is the second switch. Flip it, then walk past the iron maiden and take the corridor to the right. This leads down into the crypt area. Down in the crypt are two guards. You should be able to snag a couple of urns here without getting caught, and a little exploration will reveal a staircase up. This leads back to the storage rooms around the old kitchen. Head up, and take a look around for another staircase leading back up.The Garden and the Graveyard From the stairs, ... Далее >>