side. Run in, past the apparition and open the door. Go up the stairs, all the way and open the doorat the top. Open the door on the right and walk out across the beam. Follow the beams and rooms here, getting any loot and opening all the chests that you find. Keep going across the beams until you come to a locked door. Pick the lock and move in carefully, grabbing the loot and the fire arrows from the table. Then walk back out on the beam and drop down to the platform below. Pick the lock to the door and enter the room. Walk out onto the balcony to your left and you'll see The Eye at your level. You must now jump over to the top of the hammer pedestal and take The Eye. When you have it, drop down to the bottom floor. The Spirit of MurusYou have The Eye now, and a look at your map will show you that you must get out the back of the cathedral to find the cloister gate. Go through the door that led to the stairs to the top floor of the temple. This time, though, you aren't going to take these stairs. Inside the door, turn right and run directly past the apparition. Open the door and enter the garden. In front of you is a spirit that looks somewhat different from the normal apparition. This is the spirit of Murus. He will welcome you to the area and will offer to help you if you help him. Walk past him and take the first right. Drop down the broken staircase to the ground below. Murus will appear down here. He'll tell you that if you want his help in leaving, you must help him as well. To start, you must locate his rosary, which is somewhere in St. Yora's. Take the left path from Murus and walk up the staircase. Inside St. Yora's Open the door into St. Yora's and walk in. Turn right and head up the staircase. Walk forward and get to the large sarcophagus. Snag the water arrows, then go through the hole in the wall. Be very careful now because there are a couple of active zombies up here. Walk through this small chamber to the door. Open it, and head right through the next door and out into the hallway. Turn left and walk around the hallway to the first doorway on the right. Duck inside and walk to the back room. Open the chest to get Murus' rosary. Turn around and run back through the ... Далее >>