book, then look at the table. Your mission objectives will change again, this time requiring you to find the Keepers' key. This, as it turns out, is the stone key you took from the last room. Your tasks are now done as long as you have been diligent at picking up the treasure you find. THE LOST CITYFinding the Lost City Before you start the mission, you might want to purchase a breath potion and as many water arrows as you can get your hands on. At the start of the mission, walk forward and go around the corner to the right. Jump into the narrow waterway and swim down, going through the opening on the right. Surface on the other side and take a minute to get your breath back. The next swim is long and difficult, and a breath potion will be a huge help. Let the current carry you along a little, then swim down and forward. Swim around the corner to the right, then head down around the obstruction. Ahead of you is an opening on your left. Take it, and swim down and to the right. Then break the surface. The current here is swift, so swim to the right side and climb up on the ledge quickly.Walk forward on the ledge, avoiding the spiders. Jump over the waterfall to the other side, and again walk around the spider. Go through the opening and drop down to the next lower ledge. Continue down to the next ledge and go through the opening to your left.Walk forward to the T-intersection. Take the left branch and go through the fire trap ahead of you. Follow the tunnels until they open up on the roof of a large building. You are now standing on the roof of the library in the Lost City. On your map, this is in the top right corner. Walk around the roof until you come to the opening. Drop down and go through the middle door. Pass through the first room to the next one and drop through one of the windows. Walk out the large door and turn left, then right at the obelisk. You are now standing just outside the residential districtof the Lost City. The Residential District This area is heavily patrolled by burricks, so you need to get out of the way immediately. Move in when the burrick is off patrolling other areas and mantle onto the building immediately to your left. Again, wait for ... Далее >>