hammer-shaped window slit. Drop him here, and the mission will end successfully. INTO THE MAW OF CHAOS Down the SlopeStart running down the paved path in front of you, and follow the stairs down. When the floor turns from the lighter colored paving to the stone of the cave walls, take a sharp left turn and keep running past your enemies. Eventually, you'll come to what looks like a room carved out of the rock. Go through the doorway on the left and into the next area. Run to the left and drop down to the lower platform immediately below. Follow the platforms down to the next opening and go through. Keep going forward, but don't move too fast. There's a sudden drop-off ahead of you that leads straight into a lava pit. You'll want to skirt this along the ledge to the right. Move ahead until you start seeing the large blue crystals sticking up from the floor.The Ice Fields The blue crystals that jut from the rocks here are nasty. Just touching them will strip away your hit points. Worse, you'll often need to negotiate your way around them while walking on slippery ice.Your first test here isn't very difficult. Step carefully onto the ice and collect the water arrows near the crystals. Follow the ice field down until you get your feet on solid ground again, then go forward. The next area is quite daunting. You're confronted by a large, steep slope of ice with blue crystals jutting from it. Step lightly onto the ice and immediately start back-pedaling. You'll shoot down this ramp at high speed, and the narrow strip of rock at the bottom is covered with the deadly blue ice crystals. Only by running backwards as fast as possible can you prevent yourself from getting impaled. At the bottom, turn to the right. Arm yourself with a water crystal. There is a fire elemental in the next room, and there aren't many good places to hide. Move in carefully and stand in a shadowy area, then dowse the elemental when it gets within range. Check the fire for some fire arrows, and walk carefully over the lava bridge. Past the bridge, head right through the next cave, then left down a very steep ramp. Keep going until the path appears to vanish.When you're ready, drop down. This ramp is effectively a ... Далее >>