the burrick to walk past and leave around the corner, then follow it. Instead of going around the corner, though, mantle onto the low roof of the last building on the right. Turn and face the street and jump across, mantling onto the next roof.Hop from roof to roof until you come to the end. When the burrick isn't around, jump down and turn to your right. Move forward down the street and mantle up onto the first roof on your left past the arch. Again, jump across the street and mantle onto the roof here. Follow these roofs all the way to the back of the cave and turn left. Keep following the roofs until you find a balcony with an opening to the right. Drop down onto the balcony. The path leads back and down and tends to bear toward the left. When it splits off to the left, move forward and get a look at the town square. There will probably be a fire elemental or two moving around here, so if you're confident of your ability with the bow, douse them with water arrows. Then go back and take the branching passage. Keep following it through left turns, jumping over a small lava stream at one point, until you come to the roof of a large building. Jump down, making sure to clear the lava. Now head through the gateway to your left. Ahead of you is a large obelisk with what looks like scales of justice carved onto it. Arm yourself with water arrows and step forward into the Civic Center.The Talisman of Water In the front hall of the Civic Center, you'll encounter two fire elementals. Douse them both. Now take the first opening on the right from the way you came in. Go up the stairs and through the doorway on the right. Head to the right in the hallway here, then shinny through the hole in the side of the building. Follow the path here all the way to the next giant obelisk. Walk between the mausoleums until the first turn to the right, then mantle up onto one of them. Jump from crypt to crypt over the lava. You'll come eventually to a spot where the crypts are much lower. Keep going, and jump across to the plateau and the ruined campsite. Explore this area. The decapitated skeleton has a medallion near it. You'll also find a journal worth reading. When you're done, walk forward to the ... Далее >>