large crypt. The Crypt This crypt houses the Talisman of Water. Walk down the steep staircase and keep going until you find the gap in the floor. Put a rope arrow into the beam across the middle of the gap and swing across. Continue down the stairs, but go slowly. Crouch down, and stay crouched. Below the first staircase is a pressure plate that will cause a huge spiked plate to swing down. Past the trap, move into the room beyond and drop down the hole in the back left corner.Go into the room beyond. Go through the last door on the left before the stairs and nab the lever off the pedestal. Head back to the main room and down the stairs. Jump into the water at the back of the room and swim through. The Talisman of Water is here. Get it and go back, all the way to the outside of the crypt. Some craymen will be waiting for you on the way out, but don't worry about fighting them. Just run right by. Back outside the crypt, follow your path all the way back to the Civic Center. Once there, leave through the main entrance and step just outside the gateway past the obelisk.The Talisman of Fire Head over to the arena area. Past the Civic Center, take the first left up the large ramp. Continue going down the road ahead of you. Investigate any buildings you can for additional arrows, and when you cross over the narrow lava bridge, scoot out along the ledge and get the four water arrows. When you jump over the lava stream using the stepping stones, you will be at the arena.There are several angry craymen in this area. Kill them off with your fire arrows. Walk down the long ramp and around to the right. Pass by the risers and enter the doorway. From here, step out the next doorway into the hall. Take the first left here and get the loot from the window sill, then go through the doorway into the next room. Cross the hallway to the room opposite and go through the low passage. Drop down to the secret treasure area and collect everything of value. Climb back up and return to the hall. Take a right and make another immediate right and go down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, follow the corridor around to the large machine. Walk up to the vertical slit here and insert the lever you grabbed back in ... Далее >>