and having to go without that backup is 50 gold in treasure.Equipping Strategies If you start with a couple of healing potions, you probably don't need to buy additional ones. Try to carry at least two on every mission. You shouldn't need more than a couple of rope arrows on any mission, especially since you canre-use them. TRAINING MISSION Your first task is to use shadows to move unseen. Walk around a little in the room, and keep your eye on the meter at the lower center of the screen. The brighter this becomes, the more visible you are. To make it to the other side, you need only hug the left wall until youmake it to the stairs. The next task is similar but involves moving silently. Before stepping out, take a look at the floor. The carpeted areas are naturally much quieter than those covered in metal. Step on the metal a few times just to get an idea of the sound it makes and how loud it is. Then follow the carpet to the stairs and go up.Now it's time to get your weapons. At the end of a long corridor, you'll find a sword and a bow and quiver of arrows. Get these and arm the bow, then walk into the compound. The targets for the arrows are off to your left. Take a few practice shots. You'll notice that you need to aim a little high on your shots--if you aim directly at one of the bull's-eyes, your arrow will hit well below it. When you're satisfied with your ability using the bow, draw the sword and take a few swings at the dummy behind you. It will drop as soon as you connect with a right slash, a left slash, and an overhead strike. Your next challenge is sparring. Don't sweat this too much. Get in a few good swings and, if possible, practice blocking your opponent's attacks. Once you get a few hits in, you can stop sparring or continue until your life-meter is down to three. In either case, grab everything from the table and use the key to open the locked door. Next come your movement skills. Climb up the rope and leap onto the platform, then run forward and jump the gap over to the other side. You'll also get some practice in mantling (pulling yourself up on higher ledges) here. Stick around to practice if you like, because the next time you use these skills, you'll be ... Далее >>